Tag Archives: living healthy

Why Is This No Longer The Norm?

I haven’t blogged in a while and I apologize for that. But tonight I actually have something to say and hope you enjoy reading the post.

Today as snack time approached my daughter asked me a question about calories in a drink she got as a treat. My daughter is only 8 so I proceeded to tell her that she need not worry about calories or anything else that mom and dad will help by having healthy food in the house. There was a lot more to the conversation but that was the bottom line.

But when did it become the norm for little kids to worry about calories and fat and healthy versus unhealthy foods? And when did it become the norm to throw a granola bar at kids instead of a piece of fruit? Not just the norm but for it to be common and normal for them to worry about food, when they should be worrying about which park we are going to go play at.

I think it’s sad that marketing use tactics to get kids to eat unhealthy foods. I think there should be restrictions. Most kids know the Big Arches of McDonalds before they can speak.

At our house we are in the process of getting rid of processed foods for the kids. But you know what, we have been so programmed to give our kids convenience snacks that coming up with snack ideas isn’t easy. But it will get easier the more we do it. We are finding alternatives that both the kids love and that we feel comfortable giving them. Let me tell you thou at the moment they are eating us out of house and home…I’ve done some research and talked to other parents and this is normal and will regulate itself once their bodies have rid themselves of certain ingredients in convenience foods.

What types of snacks do you feed yourself and your children?