Monthly Archives: February 2018

Don’t Look Back

A lot of people assume things when they hear you’ve had weight loss surgery. They assume you’ve taken the easy way out. They assume all of your weight loss issues magically disappear. Well guess what?  The weight issues don’t magically disappear. It takes work. Lots of work. It’s a mental, physical and emotional journey that I don’t think will ever really end. As a person that spent most of her life being obese and morbidly obese I still have struggles. Some days my struggles are mental, as in I wake up being thinking I am fat Rachelle that still looks and feels terrible. Sometimes I wake up and I am consumed by the thought of what I can and cannot eat, which is another pattern of the old Rachelle. And then there are days when everything in the world is right and I am just me. I’m not fat or skinny, I’m not thinking about food or what to eat and everything is just calm and peaceful.


However everyday I do have to work at being the best possible me. Weather it’s a mini pep talk of you’ve got this or making sure I have my meal plan in place so I don’t have to worry about calories, protein, fat and carbs that day. I have to actively work at my health, my surgery was not a cure all but rather a tool that I am grateful to have. I have to remind myself not to look back at how life use to be but to keep moving forward.


What We Found In The Kitchen Update

So I am still working on getting rid of supplies that I have kicking around the kitchen. Here’s the thing I think I’m going to change it up and instead of posting what I ate in a blog post I’ll be posting pictures of everything that I’ve cooked on my Facebook page and my instagram. That way I can actually spend time blogging about other things like new workouts and more about how life is after weight loss surgery…..