Last Camping of Summer

This blog post is a little late since I ended up in the hospital after I wrote it but I still think it’s worth sharing 🙂

It’s a Tuesday night and I am sitting by the campfire. This is the last camping trip of the season. My two little ones are snuggled up asleep in our tent while my oldest sits and watches the fire and keeps telling me he loves the sound of the fire crackling it makes him all warm.

What is the point of telling you all this? Last year I would have never been able to take my three kids camping. I would have been to exhausted by the set up of the camping gear that I would have been a sweaty mess that was cranky and miserable to be around. This year I am the fun outdoor mom.
As we are in our last week before homeschooling and activities begin I am proud of myself. I am proud that I have faced a few of my fears this year. I participated in my first 5k, I went kayaking, I walked the Coquitlam crunch, I walked 10k trails, I wore a two piece bathing suit. I went from wearing tight size 22 clothing to now shopping for size 12. All of this wouldn’t have been possible if I wouldn’t have had weight loss surgery. If I didn’t have my surgery it would have been another summer of I wish I would have done this or that…. I’m no longer afraid of what people might think when I am attempting a new challenge instead I am enjoying life to the fullest!

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